Thursday, June 11, 2009


Whippaaa!!!! Robert Dante, the internationally renowned bullwhip performer, today attempted to break the world record for the most bull whips in a minute to celebrate the launch of the Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings video game.

Robert Dante, a massive Indiana Jones fan, flew in from Minneapolis especially for the record breaking attempt and said: “ I’ve been training to break the current world record for over two months and what better reason to do it than for the launch of the latest Indiana Jones adventure”.

The public world record attempt took place in front of the Natural History Museum in London a befitting backdrop for any whip wielding archaeologist.


  1. Did he get the record?

  2. Dante here - Nope, I did not break my own record. So unfortunately, I still hold the record (254 cracks). I've been cursing like a sailor for three days. England beat me, I think for two reasons: First, I arrived the day before and did not take the time to change my body clock, so I was, in essence, trying to do this at 2 in the morning. Second, I cooperated with the photographers, who wanteed spectacular shots of the whip flying in front of the Museum of Natural History. The photos did turn out to be fabulous, but being outside also made me a victim of the vicissitudes of weather - the breeze often gusted, and with the light whip I was using, it caught like a kite and wrapped my wrist several times.
    Am I finished? (Would Indy quit?)
    I'll be trying again, my friends. Probably at the Annie Oakley Days Festival in Greenville, Ohio next month.
    Attempting this record is like trying to dance with a monster in the first place - so next time, I'll be wearing my dancing shoes.
    Keep cracking, stay safe! (sent from an internet cafe in Blackpool, England)
    -Robert Dante-

  3. Thanks for the update Robert. Sorry to hear you didn't beat the record, but at least you still hold it!
    Keep us informed here at TechTV101 whether you manage to beat the record in Ohio!

